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Railway modelling
This page lists links to my projects related to railway modelling.
I love H0 scale, but sometimes compromises should be made to achive goals.
N gauge and 1:150 scale models are the most popular scale in Japan, but this scale has too little details in my opinion. So I would choose H0 gauge and 1:87 scale (or 1:80 in case of Japan), that are much less popular, due to available space restriction.
Since japanese railways are using 1067 mm track gauge, which scales down to 12 mm or H0m gauge, other H0 sized rolling stock should not meet japanese on the same track and therefore it should be OK to use H0j scaled trains. Coincidently H0m track size is the same as TT gauge: 12 mm. This makes the things easier, because H0m track is not widely available on the market, but TT is.
Inspired by Japan trip, I want to model a part of Iga Line from Mie prefecture near Kyoto. Rolling stock brought from the trip includes several models of KiHa series DMUs. I will begin with it, integrating them into layout.
But prototype line operates 200 series trains, which I will try to replicate from scratch later.
Planned projects
- Kansai Main Line - Iga-Ueno and neighbourhood as FREMO compatible modules
- Ku 104 - Build from scratch
- Mo 204 - Build from scratch
- Tokyu_1000_series - Build from scratch for Iga Line
- KiHa 120-300 - Build from scratch for Kansai Main Line
Ongoing projects
- FREMO:H0j standard - create standard for modules in H0j scale for Japanese railway models
- KiHa 23 -
Convert to H0j gauge, add electric motor, replace interior, add interior lightning, add DCC - KiHa 53 - Convert to H0j gauge, replace electric motor with smaller model, replace interior, add interior lightning, add DCC
- Iga Line - 4 stations from Iga-Ueno to Uenoshi as FREMO compatible modules
- KiHa 40 -
Convert to H0j gauge, replace electric board, add interior, add interior lightning, add DCC
Done projects
- None yet
Abandoned projects
- Desk shelf top diorama with Lima rolling stock and tracks. Lack of time and shelf became unavailable due to move.
- Feets for modules. Fremo and T-Trak do desktop modules and there are commonly enough tables to setup a layout.
Owned rolling stock
- NSB El 14.2171 - Norwegian electric locomotive
- NS Sleeping Car T2S TEN - Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways) sleeping car T2S with TEN (Trans Euro Nacht) design
- 2x ÖBB flat wagon - Österreichische Bundesbahnen (Austrian Federal Railways) flat wagon with container load
- KiHa 40 2000 - Japanese KiHa 40 series DMU with 2000 series number
Owned vehicles
Useful resources
- Distance measurement tool - choose map or satellite. Accuracy is +/-20 cm according to my experience.
- Multifunctional DCC locomotive decoder
- Tokyu 1000 sound (VVVF)
- Motor sound is generated by model motor
- Model motor is BLDC
- Magnet stimulated wheel sound
- Dollies with spring contacts
- Dolly rotation stimulated rail screech sound at speed (2-levels of rotation angles for different sounds)
- IR stimulated decelleration and stop at stations
- Remote controlled coupling/decoupling
- Magnet stimulated railwail crossings activation
Module feet
Moved to abandoned.
Height 1100 mm, with 20 mm regulation. Should be suitable for FREMO standard having top of the rails at the height of 1300 mm from the floor.