When started designing my own layout, I quickly came to the conclusion, that permanent layout will take up a lot of space and will be hard to maintain. The next idea came to my head is to make the layout modular. Research showed, that I was not only new to this idea, but also, that it is older than me. Further comparison of different modular systems brought me to the conclusion, that I should join the most wide-spread standard in my area, to make my layout modules compatible for the meetings if they ever happen.
The nearest standard matching my layout characteristics is FREMO. But it is not able to match several requrements for my layout.
The main problem is that FREMO standards define the theme of the layout. FREMO:EU requires european landscape, rolling stock and scenery to be used. FREMO:US requires the same with US styled details. But what's with Japan? Unfortunately I could not find FREMO standard which allowed use of japanese themed details.
This project is an attempt to adapt the existing FREMO standards for creating japanese styled layouts. It should include the best practices and recommendations that are already tested for years within existing standards. The draft will be published and updated here.